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Wednesday, November 12, 2008


My baby boy is going under the knife in a week. He's only 12 weeks old and already another hospital visit!
Not to be alarmed it is nothing too major. Last week at his two month checkup the doctor noticed what seemed to be a hernia in his scrotum. She recommended we see a pediatric surgeon for a consultation. From what I have read these are not extremely uncommon in infant boys. It seems when their testicles descend before birth. the opening sometimes does not close. The doctor told me it is usually not too serious in infants, but can cause problems later if not corrected. We decided to do the surgery as soon as possible to take advantage of having already met our deductible for the year. I know it is a fairly simple outpatient surgery lasting only 30 minutes, but the mommy part of me still doesn't like the thought of it. The surgeon told me most infants are feeling back to normal the next day. Please keep Micah in your prayers over the next week. While I know it is a simple surgery, it is still surgery and their is always a small chance for complications. It feels like these last few months have been a little trying for our whole family.

Did I mention Chris was rear ended yesterday? It was completely ironic because on the way to work we were discussing the fact that our insurance should be going down soon because we have not had any tickets or at fault accidents recently. Luckily Chris was definitely not at fault. The car is still drivable, but will have to go in the shop soon. I am just ready to get past all of this, and enjoy the holidays with my family.

Well that's my little update for the night. I need to get some sleep.

Report: American Express seeking $3.5 billion as part of government bailout program

It seems that they will be changing the poem on the plaque that graces The Statue of Liberty

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled businesses yearning bailouts for free,
The wretched CEO's of your teeming shore.
Send these, the greedy, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the Fed's door.