I am going to say this in my best girl with an attitude voice,"Oh no he didn't!" Did this man really just appoint a replacement for Obama's Senate seat? He's a gutsy man I say, a gutsy man.
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Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Ludicrous, Yet Politics at Its Finest
I am going to say this in my best girl with an attitude voice,"Oh no he didn't!" Did this man really just appoint a replacement for Obama's Senate seat? He's a gutsy man I say, a gutsy man.
Another Day
I was a bit worried today would drag on an on. I am fortunate that I kept fairly busy, a welcome surprise during the slowest point of the season. It has been harder than I expected to return after a nice long weekend. Luckily I have another few days off that will help ease me back in.
This week I have found myself daydreaming about doing other things...being with my kids more, traveling, missions, maybe being in an occupation that is more fullfilling. Of course money is always a key factor in all of these things. My greatest goal for 2009 is to continue the process of getting out of debt. I long for the freedom from bondage to creditors. I dream of being able to save huge portions of our income for the future. I am am hoping that with a lot of diligence we will come close to accomplishing these goals in 2009. We are seriously considering selling our home this summer when some terms in our mortgage become more favorable. A lot of our income is tied up in an adjustable rate mortgage that is higher than I would like. It is very difficult in this economy to decide the benefits to selling and perhaps settling for less than we want or sticking it out a little longer and not having as much extra to pay down debt. We both know we want something a little bigger, but if we do sell we may have to settle for an apartment for a short time to make the savings really add up. These are all difficult decision that we face this year, but I am determined to see our family free and prosperous in the coming years.
I apologize for the rambling. These were just thoughts rolling around in my head as I anticpate the year to come. I pray that this coming year will bring each one of you much joy and that you are blessed with the perseverance to see each dream, goal, or resolution through. If you fall off the wagon there is no shame in getting back on for another try! Happy New Year!
This week I have found myself daydreaming about doing other things...being with my kids more, traveling, missions, maybe being in an occupation that is more fullfilling. Of course money is always a key factor in all of these things. My greatest goal for 2009 is to continue the process of getting out of debt. I long for the freedom from bondage to creditors. I dream of being able to save huge portions of our income for the future. I am am hoping that with a lot of diligence we will come close to accomplishing these goals in 2009. We are seriously considering selling our home this summer when some terms in our mortgage become more favorable. A lot of our income is tied up in an adjustable rate mortgage that is higher than I would like. It is very difficult in this economy to decide the benefits to selling and perhaps settling for less than we want or sticking it out a little longer and not having as much extra to pay down debt. We both know we want something a little bigger, but if we do sell we may have to settle for an apartment for a short time to make the savings really add up. These are all difficult decision that we face this year, but I am determined to see our family free and prosperous in the coming years.
I apologize for the rambling. These were just thoughts rolling around in my head as I anticpate the year to come. I pray that this coming year will bring each one of you much joy and that you are blessed with the perseverance to see each dream, goal, or resolution through. If you fall off the wagon there is no shame in getting back on for another try! Happy New Year!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Quarter of a Century
In eleven days I will turn twenty five. I have never paid much attention to the passing of time. As I get older I don't really give thought to the number as I still feel like the same old me on January 10th as I did on the 9th. This year has me feeling a bit retrospective. In the small increments life seems almost unchanged, and yet if I look back over twenty five years I am definitely not the exact same person as I was twenty, ten, or even five years ago. Maybe we don't necessarily change as much as different attributes of ourselves bloom and fade with time.
Nevertheless I face the fact that I may not be old but I am inevitably getting older. As long as wisdom is my reward, I cannot complain.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas Withdrawl
It amazes me how one day can change everything. How is it that Christmas decorations can seem so lively and festive on December 25h, but December 26th it all seems awkward and out of place. I suddenly realize reality must be faced tomorrow and somehow I must learn to face it without the glowing lights and soundtrack of merry Christmas tunes. In spite of the withdrawl another year is approaching fast, and a little spark of anticipation begins to grow in hopes for the new year.
I really wanted to add pictures to this blog, but I am just so terrible at sitting down and getting them uploaded and organized. I blog rather impulsively and this does not lend well to any form of organization. I will probably end up getting them all out in one huge picture blog. Never the less without the pictures to aid I will recount our Christmas day.
We had a wonderful Christmas Eve. Dinner was wonderful and we pretty much followed the usual routine. I wrote Christmas letters for everyone, following the lead from my dad who had done this a few Christmases before. It made for a little teary eyed prelude to the gift opening, but what are gifts if no one knows how much they are really appreciated. Kaylie was very excited and a little overwhelmed with all of her gifts. Chris bought me a new 10.2 megapixel camera. After that I really should be posting more pictures. My brother also surprised us with a gift certificate for a night out together at Del Frisco's. That was pretty awesome as well. My parents gave us some gift cards and monetary gifts. We were extremely grateful and were blessed beyond our expectations. All of the kids chipped in to get my dad a blue ray player for his new T.V. Micah was pretty much content to sit by sucking on his fingers while we opened his gifts. My dad and I attended services Christmas Eve. It was especially meaningful. The last hymn we sang was Joy to the World. In the Luthern church everyone stands as the crucifix enters at the beginning of the service and then again at the end as we watch it exit. As we sang that last hymn I looked at that cross and my heart flooded with hope. In spite of economic woes and turmoil abroad everyone sang with such gusto. What peace we can have knowing who is in control. He truly does rule the world with truth and grace! We spent Christmas day at home with Chris' family. We had a very tasty meal, and it was relaxing to just be home. Overall Christmas 2008 was a complete success.
The last couple of days have been spent recovering. I barely slept the first half of this week. We all slept in yesterday. Last night we were able to reunite for dinner with my best friend from high school, her mom, and step dad. It was wonderful to reconnect remembering old times, and sharing what is going on in our lives. It has been so nice being off it will be hard going back to work Monday. Such is the cycle of life. Oh and I forgot to mention my other Christmas gift. I asked Chris for the Jillian Micahels 30 day shred dvd. Jillian is one of the trainers on the show the Biggest Loser. She is so tough, and has a tendency to make people cry, but for some reason I like her. She gets results. I read nothing but good reviews on the workout regimen so we will see. He also got me a nifty little watch I can wear when I work out that will take my heart rate and count the calories I burn. Now I'm not making a crazy new years resolution about weight loss. We will just see where it goes =) Losing weight would be great, but I also want to get my energy levels up and increase endurance. I am finding these are musts when you have two kids.
I will try to get pictures up tomorrow. Chris will be glued to the television for the last day of regular season football which means I will have some free time. Until next time!
I really wanted to add pictures to this blog, but I am just so terrible at sitting down and getting them uploaded and organized. I blog rather impulsively and this does not lend well to any form of organization. I will probably end up getting them all out in one huge picture blog. Never the less without the pictures to aid I will recount our Christmas day.
We had a wonderful Christmas Eve. Dinner was wonderful and we pretty much followed the usual routine. I wrote Christmas letters for everyone, following the lead from my dad who had done this a few Christmases before. It made for a little teary eyed prelude to the gift opening, but what are gifts if no one knows how much they are really appreciated. Kaylie was very excited and a little overwhelmed with all of her gifts. Chris bought me a new 10.2 megapixel camera. After that I really should be posting more pictures. My brother also surprised us with a gift certificate for a night out together at Del Frisco's. That was pretty awesome as well. My parents gave us some gift cards and monetary gifts. We were extremely grateful and were blessed beyond our expectations. All of the kids chipped in to get my dad a blue ray player for his new T.V. Micah was pretty much content to sit by sucking on his fingers while we opened his gifts. My dad and I attended services Christmas Eve. It was especially meaningful. The last hymn we sang was Joy to the World. In the Luthern church everyone stands as the crucifix enters at the beginning of the service and then again at the end as we watch it exit. As we sang that last hymn I looked at that cross and my heart flooded with hope. In spite of economic woes and turmoil abroad everyone sang with such gusto. What peace we can have knowing who is in control. He truly does rule the world with truth and grace! We spent Christmas day at home with Chris' family. We had a very tasty meal, and it was relaxing to just be home. Overall Christmas 2008 was a complete success.
The last couple of days have been spent recovering. I barely slept the first half of this week. We all slept in yesterday. Last night we were able to reunite for dinner with my best friend from high school, her mom, and step dad. It was wonderful to reconnect remembering old times, and sharing what is going on in our lives. It has been so nice being off it will be hard going back to work Monday. Such is the cycle of life. Oh and I forgot to mention my other Christmas gift. I asked Chris for the Jillian Micahels 30 day shred dvd. Jillian is one of the trainers on the show the Biggest Loser. She is so tough, and has a tendency to make people cry, but for some reason I like her. She gets results. I read nothing but good reviews on the workout regimen so we will see. He also got me a nifty little watch I can wear when I work out that will take my heart rate and count the calories I burn. Now I'm not making a crazy new years resolution about weight loss. We will just see where it goes =) Losing weight would be great, but I also want to get my energy levels up and increase endurance. I am finding these are musts when you have two kids.
I will try to get pictures up tomorrow. Chris will be glued to the television for the last day of regular season football which means I will have some free time. Until next time!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas Eve
After days and days of preparation and anticipation that hallowed day is upon us. The culmination of parties, decorations, and retailer's holiday flair, which has been on the shelves for months now, will all come together in that glorious date we call Christmas.
I have wanted to add some photo updates from our Christmas adventures, but I always seem to blog at work. I don't have copies of all my pictures on this computer so it makes it quite difficult. I hope to get some pictures up over the holiday weekend.
Tonight is the big night for our family. Since I was a child we have always opened our gifts Christmas Eve. We now have a tradition of going to dinner Christmas Eve at a local restaurant called Italianni's. They have wonderful Italian food in a romantic old school atmosphere. It's the kind of place that feels a little fancier than your everday chains, but has that comfortable neighborhood feel. Afterward we go home and gather in the front living room and read the story of the birth of Jesus. We then do the usual and open gifts and let the kids and adults play around with all the new toys. We usually end up watching a movie that someone received. At 11 pm my dad, Chris , and I head out for a candle light service at a local Lutheran church. This is perhaps one of my favorite traditions. After all of the hustle and bustle of Christmas it is almost sacred to drive out into the empty streets. Everything is quiet and calm. We head into the church surrounded by the faint glow of candles and twinkling lights. The sound of carols fill the air and suddenly I forget about the list of things I needed to do or the gift I forgot to buy. As we participate in the liturgy my spirit is lifted as we verbally affirm the truths of our faith. Some may find this pratice rigorous and monotonous, but there are times when this unification of a body of believers is especially meaningful.
After services we always spend the night at my parents to be together Christmas morning for our stockings. Tomorrow we will go home late in the morning to prepare Christmas dinner at home, and Chris' family will be over. I am pretty excited. We are cooking prime rib which I believe will be delicious!
Merry Christmas Everyone!
I have wanted to add some photo updates from our Christmas adventures, but I always seem to blog at work. I don't have copies of all my pictures on this computer so it makes it quite difficult. I hope to get some pictures up over the holiday weekend.
Tonight is the big night for our family. Since I was a child we have always opened our gifts Christmas Eve. We now have a tradition of going to dinner Christmas Eve at a local restaurant called Italianni's. They have wonderful Italian food in a romantic old school atmosphere. It's the kind of place that feels a little fancier than your everday chains, but has that comfortable neighborhood feel. Afterward we go home and gather in the front living room and read the story of the birth of Jesus. We then do the usual and open gifts and let the kids and adults play around with all the new toys. We usually end up watching a movie that someone received. At 11 pm my dad, Chris , and I head out for a candle light service at a local Lutheran church. This is perhaps one of my favorite traditions. After all of the hustle and bustle of Christmas it is almost sacred to drive out into the empty streets. Everything is quiet and calm. We head into the church surrounded by the faint glow of candles and twinkling lights. The sound of carols fill the air and suddenly I forget about the list of things I needed to do or the gift I forgot to buy. As we participate in the liturgy my spirit is lifted as we verbally affirm the truths of our faith. Some may find this pratice rigorous and monotonous, but there are times when this unification of a body of believers is especially meaningful.
After services we always spend the night at my parents to be together Christmas morning for our stockings. Tomorrow we will go home late in the morning to prepare Christmas dinner at home, and Chris' family will be over. I am pretty excited. We are cooking prime rib which I believe will be delicious!
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I Can't Take It With Me?
Stress has been eating at me for awhile. I don't want many thing for myself, but I have a desire to see my loved ones have everything they could want. I'm not a perfectionist or a neat freak, but I long for my house to be perfect. I can work myself into a tizzy adding to my list of to-do's, and the things I hope to do someday. I hear this is fairly common in our fast paced world, but I have been fortunate enough to hear something screaming at me in the depths of my subconscious. Am I so busy worrying about tomorrow that I forget to live out today? The kids will only get older, and I too will grow old and meet my end. When it is all said and said and done I can't take perfection with me. The grasping for the ever dangling carrot will vanish.
Plans are good when they act as a guide, but they can be deadly when they control.
Plans are good when they act as a guide, but they can be deadly when they control.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Warm Me Up
Please don't tell anyone, but I have an awful little secret. I like the cold weather. Give me a cold overcast day and I'm a happy girl. I find this to be a dangerous secret because the vast majority of Texans despise the cold. Oh of course we all wish for the occasional white Christmas, but for the most part, Texas enjoys nice warm sunny weather. One week of cloudy skies and the makers of prozac are back in business.
Maybe I should explain myself a little better. It is not necessarily the cold weather I enjoy, but rather the instincts it draws out in us as human beings. The cold causes us to come inside together, to seek warmth and comfort from the elements. In these moments we realize we are not all that self sufficient, we need something more to bring light and warmth into our lives. Nothing warms me up more than some yummy soup, a warm fire, and my family. Yes even a warmed heart can bring comfort to my physical body.
How often my spirit becomes cold and dreary, and I am reminded once again I need to be drawn in by the love, light, and warmth of a Saviour.
Monday, December 15, 2008
One Year Later
How do you fill such a big void, when no one else compares? They say time heals wounds, but what if time just let's it settle in further?
I have been reflecting this afternoon. It has almost been one year since my grandpa Jack, passed away. The year has gone rather quickly, and sometimes I feel like I just heard the news for the first time. We always called him papa. He was such an anchor in this family, someone you always just knew would be there. I rarely heard a cross word come from his mouth, he preferred to make people laugh. He used to call me Cris, and would always sing silly songs. I could go on and on about how he loved people and they loved him. He was an upstanding member of the community, a staple of his town. His great character is achieved by very few men. He loved his wife. You could tell they still had that spark even after 6 decades together. Even at the end when he was in pain I knew he hung on because he loved her so.
All of these memories give me joy because I know his legacy is so great. They still don't bring back papa. One year later that is still sinking in.
I have been reflecting this afternoon. It has almost been one year since my grandpa Jack, passed away. The year has gone rather quickly, and sometimes I feel like I just heard the news for the first time. We always called him papa. He was such an anchor in this family, someone you always just knew would be there. I rarely heard a cross word come from his mouth, he preferred to make people laugh. He used to call me Cris, and would always sing silly songs. I could go on and on about how he loved people and they loved him. He was an upstanding member of the community, a staple of his town. His great character is achieved by very few men. He loved his wife. You could tell they still had that spark even after 6 decades together. Even at the end when he was in pain I knew he hung on because he loved her so.
All of these memories give me joy because I know his legacy is so great. They still don't bring back papa. One year later that is still sinking in.
Line Dancing=Holiday Entertainment?
Saturday evening we found ourselves at the mall waiting in line to see Santa Clause. This is the first year Kaylie caught onto the idea and she determined that no matter what she would see Santa on Saturday. The winding line did not deter her and we found ourselves with the hundreds of other parents waiting to see the jolly old man.
As we stood waiting a group of middle aged people began to set up near our line for what seemed to be some sort of holiday entertainment. The music kicked up and I realized we were caught smack dab in the middle of some good old fashioned Texas line dancing set to Christmas music. They even had cute little shirts that said "Dancin 'n' Line." Now I have lived in Texas almost my whole life and have never developed an affinity for cowboy culture. I understand everyone has there own preferences, but line dancing has never been one of those activities that seemed like entertainment for an audience. If you enjoy it as a personal entertainment great, go out and have yourself a grand old time. But really, can we seriously call a few combinations done in a line holiday entertainment? It truly was painful to watch. There was a small crowd gathered of obvious friends and family. The rest of us were held captive against our will as we waited in that hopelessly long line.
Now that I realize how easy it is to get a spot in the holiday line-up, I may grab my ipod and docking station and head out the mall and find my own little corner to perform. Jumpin Jacks to holiday music will be my schtick.
For now I'm stuck in Texas. Merry Christmas ya'll!
Line Dancing,
Santa Clause
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Jingle Bells
Our days have been filled with Christmas music to and from work, watching Christmas movies, and decorating trees. Jingle Bells is Kaylie's favorite song, as she has learned most of the words. Sleigh Ride is a close second. We have actually covered five Christmas movies, but there are still more to go. The upcoming week brings some Christmas p
Next year will be even more fun we he can toddle around the house after Kaylie and join in the fun.
I hope you and your families are enjoying the holidays. The economy may be headed south and uncertainty is around every corner, but the warmth of family and friends is just the medicine to carry us through. I leave you with a few more pictures of our Christmas festivities.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Pavestone Flood of 2008
I walked out of the break room at lunch to find a great flood of water in the hallway. It seems that we had a toilet overflow and about a quarter of our office downstairs is covered in water. Good times! Needless to say the office manager is none to happy as worries of stench and mold fly around.
Of course it gives us all a great excuse to roll up our pantlegs as we wade through the water and pretend we are swashbucklers working on the high seas. I should have known it never hurts to keep a pair of waders in the car.
Happy Birthday To The Love of My Life
In my life I have known two of the greatest men around. One is my father and one is my husband Chris. Today I celebrate the day my husband Christopher Michael Medrano made his entrance into this world. Yes I will proceed to rant about his awesomeness, and it is my honor to do so. Chris is one of the most honest people I know. He bucks the system a lot, and I love that he is not afraid to stand up for what is right. Even though he has no fear to say what's on his mind, he is also very humble. He doesn't like to make things about himself, and he will probably scold me a bit for writing this. Chris loves his children and spends all the time he can with them, even if it means missing a beloved Cowboys game. He is intelligent in an unpretentious way. I love that he thinks for himself and does not allow media or other's to sway him. Chris loves me and puts up with my stubborness and lets me be goofy. He doesn't mind what I look like in the morning because he always lets me know I'm beautiful. What I love most about Chris is that he loves God with all his heart, and he is not afraid to admit his own frailty and shortcomings. He is not flamboyant or abrasive in his faith, but everyone knows where he stands. Chris is a worshipper at heart and when he plays his guitar it is truly for an audience of One.
I love him with all of my heart and am glad to call him mine. Happy Birthday Chris, you make this world a better place.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Family Unit
I have been thinking a lot about the dynamics of a family lately. I remember after having Kaylie how I struggled with whether I could love another baby as much as her. I knew deep inside I wanted another child, but I was often hesitant on pinpointing a time. I finally realized I could wait forever and there would never be a "perfect" time. When I found out I was pregnant with Micah I was excited, but still a little worried about how this would effect Kaylie. She is pretty close with Chris and I. I feared it would be difficult for her to share time that had soley been devoted to her. After Micah was born my fears began to melt away. She was so excited and proud of her little brother. Now Kaylie has never been maternal. She doesn't play with baby dolls and she tries to help with Micah, but she's not jumping to change diapers or anything. In spite of this she still has this deep love for her brother. Recently we were loading into the car and Chris was about to put Micah in. Kaylie didn't see the carseat in his hand and asked where Micah was. Chris jokingly told her he was staying home. Kaylie burst into tears. She was so upset. She did not want Micah to be left at home alone. This is what I love about Kaylie. She is intuitive. She can read feelings and she never wants anyone to be left alone. She does have her share of terrible 3 year old moments, but deep inside is an enduring goodness that is so pure.
Micah is still carving his place, but he already has made a deep impact on our lives. Micah makes me stop and realize that I don't always have to be doing something. He loves to be held close and will let me know he does not appreciate my focus being on something else. I like to multi-task, but he has shown me sometimes it is good to just be still and enjoy the moment.
If there is anything I have learned about family it is that everyone has a place. No matter how we evolve over time as we grow we each bring something vital to the table. I am learning to appreciate my husband and each child, for who they are and how they make our home a happier place.
Micah is still carving his place, but he already has made a deep impact on our lives. Micah makes me stop and realize that I don't always have to be doing something. He loves to be held close and will let me know he does not appreciate my focus being on something else. I like to multi-task, but he has shown me sometimes it is good to just be still and enjoy the moment.
If there is anything I have learned about family it is that everyone has a place. No matter how we evolve over time as we grow we each bring something vital to the table. I am learning to appreciate my husband and each child, for who they are and how they make our home a happier place.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Farewell Crane, Poole, & Schmidt
Last night marked the end of an era for, in my opinion, one of televisions greatest primetime dramas. Boston legal ran five seasons, all of which kept me glued to the television.
I was never an avid fan of The Practice, but started watching the last season when James Spader's character was introduced. I followed over to the spinoff the next season. I appreciated this show not just for the legal drama, but for its ability to dispense heartfelt comedy throughout. The chemistry between James Spader and William Shatner was simply dazzling. While the show was unabashedly liberal in its slant, I loved it because it made me think. It challenged many of my own beliefs and allowed me to sharpen my own thought processes. It was a show that could explore issues from alzheimer's , aspergers syndrome, racism , and even mad cow disease with such effortless seguays. At the end of the day I feel it really brought out the true humanity in all of us. No matter what your political leanings, people can still find a deep mutual affection in the things that are deeper than hot button issues. This was executed beautifully in the friendship between Alan Shore and Denny Crane. I will miss the show very much. The series finale only made me wish that at least one more season could have aired. If you never watched check it out on netflix sometime. I now leave you with a picture from one of my favorite episodes when Denny and Alan dressed as flamingos for Halloween.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Gotta Love Burl Ives
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Bless Their Little Hearts
An excerpt from an article on MSNBC on the big three auto executives travel plans to Capitol Hill.
And for this week’s appearances here, all three company chiefs will skip the lavish travel arrangements. Mulally is coming by car from Detroit for this week’s second round of congressional hearings on government help for the Big Three. GM Chief Rick Wagoner will drive a Chevrolet Malibu hybrid sedan for the 520-mile trek from Detroit to Capitol Hill, spokesman Tony Cervone said Tuesday. And Chrysler LLC CEO Robert Nardelli won’t travel by corporate jet, but a spokeswoman declined to elaborate on his travel plans, citing security reasons.
To be even more efficient they could have carpooled in one of those nifty Escalade hybrids. I hear they may get 19mpg on the highway. Now that is efficiency. Can anyone say," Road Trip!"
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