Things always change by the time you get to your third baby. You've been down the road before. You've honed your skills on what items are necessary and those that are frivolous. I almost feel guilty for how practical I look at things when it comes to this child. Please don't get me wrong, I am very excited to welcome Isaac into the world. He will have his own unique personality and purpose. I just knew that having one child of each gender already, there were few things we really had to buy. Due to compact space we have for our growing family, we would not be able to put a lot into a specific nursery theme. In spite of these things I wanted Isaac to be able to look back and know that he was still celebrated, and just as an important in his arrival has his brother and sister.
Chris and my best friend Alyson came together and did just that yesterday. I am amazed that even some 200 miles apart they coordinated together so well. It was a wonderful shower, and it warmed my heart to have friends and family celebrate with us. We received some really awesome gifts that will replace some of our current baby items that are shall we say a bit worn.
Thanks to our new computer I am happy to finally include some pictures our happy day.

The guys lent their "expert" baby shower decorating skills.

I was impressed that when put in charge of picking out a cake, Chris decided petit fours would be an appropriate choice for a shower. Any men reading, please do not revoke his man card. His other pass times include sports, video games, and action flicks.

Micah gave his seal of approval to all of the snacks.

The lovely Alyson...aka best friend a girl could ask for.

On some demented note they decided a game involving eating baby food would be exciting. Of course none of the planners participated. I was surprised at how competitive this game became! It also has me rethinking feeding jar food to Isaac. Some of this stuff is just awful.

Can you see my excitement???!!! Many of you heard my my desperate cry for help via facebook. Now should the baby come overnight, Chris will not be forced to ride by horseback to the nearest general store for diapers.

My practical side was thrilled to receive several packs of nursing pads. Are you starting to see how having multiple children changes you?

Here is my pretty princess, preparing to be a big sister once again. She has paved the way bravely for her siblings, by bearing with me as I have worked through all the trials and errors of parenthood. I couldn't imagine my life without her, and I know she will be a great little helper.
Thank you to everyone who came in the middle of your weekend to show love and support. We are down to the last few weeks or maybe days, and I look forward to introducing our newest member to each of you very soon!