Time for a Christmas update. We have been having a fabulous holiday so far. This is the first year that Kaylie has really had a keen understanding of Christmas. Every aspect of it has been exciting for her, and as parents that just makes it all worth while. I've been trying to explain to her the story of Jesus. I know I know he was most likely born at some other time of the year, but since we can't pinpoint a date we'll have to just live with December. Since we needed something to replace worship of the sun god, this will do wonderfully! Ok sorry for the rabbit trail. Anyway, if anyone knows of a good live nativity in the DFW area let me know. I believe Kaylie would really enjoy it.
Our days have been filled with Christmas music to and from work, watching Christmas movies, and decorating trees. Jingle Bells is Kaylie's favorite song, as she has learned most of the words. Sleigh Ride is a close second. We have actually covered five Christmas movies, but there are still more to go. The upcoming week brings some Christmas p

arties which always involve baking. Then of course we will begin the final countdown. I am enjoying the season very much as well. We completed almost all of our Christmas shopping right around Thanksgiving. It really is a good feeling. Micah is also enjoying what little he can process. His favorite thing has been to lay on the floor and stare at the Christmas lights on the tree.
Next year will be even more fun we he can toddle around the house after Kaylie and join in the fun.
I hope you and your families are enjoying the holidays. The economy may be headed south and uncertainty is around every corner, but the warmth of family and friends is just the medicine to carry us through. I leave you with a few more pictures of our Christmas festivities.