Wednesday we got off early and headed home for the yearly cook-a-thon. Everyone pitched in this year. This may be my favorite part about Thanksgiving. We crank up the Christmas music and go to work making some of the most delectable treats. It is great family time, and gets us all in the mood for the holidays. Our menu this year included: turkey, ham, cheese ball, white chocolate raspberry cheesecake, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes with marshmallows, and of course a pumpkin pie. We were up till about midnight. Chris and I finished the night off with a Thanksgiving episode of Friends.
Thanksgiving day we enjoyed a plentiful amount of food and some good wines. Chris was in good spirits after the Cowboys won their game. Of course I was thrilled as well (can you hear the sarcasm dripping?)
Here are some pictures from the day. Our family always seems to have more desserts than main dishes.
Micah is very excited about his first Thanksgiving, if only he could tear into a turkey leg.
Here we are enjoying a very competitive game of Candy Land.