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Thursday, January 29, 2009
Up,Up, and Away
Truth be told, my greatest dread is the point we leave home until we are safely seated on the plane. I understand the threat of terrorism is never to be taken lightly, but the TSA doesn't make it easy on parents with small children. It starts as we try to juggle our luggage, stroller, baby carrier, and hand bags into the airport while keeping a close eye on Kaylie making sure she doesn't wander off. Any line is formidable with children. Will I be able to keep Kaylie entertained long enough? If we make it to the front of the line, she will inevitably tell me she has to go the the bathroom right that second. We finally make it to the security line only to pull off all shoes and pull out any items from our bags that could even pose the slightest security risk. I keep Kaylie's hand firmly in my own while keeping a tight grip on our shoes, tickets, and other personal belongings, just praying that we won't be pulled aside for another check. When we make it through there is the mad dash for the gate and then the waiting begins. We are usually always flying standby on my dad's passes so we are eagerly anticipating our name to be called to ensure we will have a seat on the flight, and hoping they don't separate us from the kids. Yes they have done this before. Usually we can find a kind soul who either feels sorry for us or doesn't like the thought of sitting next to a curious, unattended three year old. Once we are on the plane I can take a sigh and relax for two seconds until I hear that familiar phrase..."mommy,I need to go to the bathroom."
Yes it's all still worth it!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
California Here We Come!
We have been truly blessed to be able to get away for the kids so often. It has helped that my dear dad works for American. I am excited to say we have paid for the trip completely with cash, and with the use of some creative budget planning it will come off being quite affordable. Gotta love priceline and restaurant coupons! My parents are going to come out for a couple of days because Disney has a promotion going on right now. If you come on your birthday you get in free. My dad's birthday just happens to be the 30th. Who could pass that up when you can practically fly for free! I know it will be a welcome break after 2 weeks of hard work in Africa.
We are also going to take a day and go to Santa Monica. I love the beach and all of the quirky shops and entertainment. It is so invigorating. I am looking forward to sharing the tradition once again with my kids. I keep telling Kaylie she should be so thankful for the opportunity she has been given. She may still be too young to understand, but I never want her to take for granted what she has. It is amazing to look back at past trips and see how she has grown.
Here she is on her first trip,only 4 months old.
A vacation right after her second birthday
Her most recent trip.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Teething is a Nightmare
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Obama Mania
That being said I am done with political talk for this blog. Instead I would like to talk about being sick. I hate it. I just had a cold last month before Christmas. Stupid rhino virus getting to me again. I'm just glad it came now instead of next week because we are headiong for vacation next Thurday. I am so ready for some time away.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Just Missing
It may sound crazy, but I wish I were in hot,dusty Burkina Faso right now. It would be better than staring at this energy vaccuum they call a computer.
Snack Time
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
On Towards Africa
Burkina Faso is a landlocked country in West Africa. It holds the unfortunate title as the third poorest country in the world. I find this completely amazing considering all of the desitute places on this planet, but here is where my parents have been called time and time again. I have not had the privilege of visiting yet, but I know my time will come.
This week my parents left to lead a team along with a few doctors to do a medical outreach in the capitol of Ougadougou and some surrounding villages. They will try to provide some very basic medical care in hopes of making some inroads for a trip in the future that will be on a larger scale. To look at the needs of countries like this is overwhelming. Attempts to bring some sort of aid and hope almost seem like trying to drain the ocean with a bucket. In spite of the circumstances we the body of Christ are called to this, to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, reach out to the hurting both spiritually and physically. I have a bad habit of getting caught up in myself and my needs, but to know Christ is to live a life opposite to human nature. It is to be selfless to give even when we feel spent. Today I must repent once again for my self absorption and short sightedness. It may be a small bucket, but it is my bucket and I am willing to be used to do my part here until one day I can reach across that ocean.
Nothing New
That which has been is that which will be, And that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun.
Everywhere you look, everywhere you go people are always looking for the newest sound, the latest trend, or change they can believe in. I read countless blogs and realize similar threads of life that weave through my writings as well as others. We all crave the chance to put our spin on the world as we see it. It may be helpful to ponder this statement. There is really nothing new, if it is said now it was said then. Nations will rise and nations will fall just like the tides of the ocean. Unknown people will rise and achieve great feats and great people will fall and become unknown.
It is with this I realize my writings are not here to create something new or break out with the latest and greatest ideas. It is all simple really, there is only one constant that can turn the mundane into something fresh with purpose. In the mean time as I keep my eye on the prize, to author and finisher of my faith, I'd like to share the journey with you dear reader. All these things that make us different lead us to the point that we are all in the end very much the same.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Jillian,you're killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This years present to myself is 6 pounds of weight loss. It may not sound like much, but after 14 days of sweat and tears coupled with everyday trials and tribulations I have managed to bring the number on the scale down. Now that is progress! I have to say I love Jillian...she has motivated me in no way anyone could. She doesn't pretend it's easy or even fun at times, but she pushes you to reach heights you never thought you could. I started a three level system. Just the first level made me feel like I would die, but slowly I got more adept and it wasn't too painful. I finally summoned the courage to hit level two Friday. Whoa did it kick my butt. I thought the throbbing muscle pains from the early workouts were gone, but no such luck. I have felt muscles I didn't even know I had. What makes me even happier than the weight loss is the strength I feel. Instead of losing the weight in muscle mass and fat through some unhealthy fad diet, I can feel my body adapting and growing stronger. It is amazing how changing one facet of your life can spill into every other corner. I feel more confident because I know just because things are uncomfortable doesn't mean I give up, it means I press in harder and push through.
Hmmmm I think there could be a spiritual lesson in there somewhere. God is even trying to talk to me in my workouts. Anyway I just wanted to share my progress and excitement. I don't like to talk too much about it because there are always ups and downs. Never the less I just want to provide some encouragement to anyone out there who finds themselves falling in and out of dieting, exercise, etc. There is hope just keep pressing on!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Surprise! My boss walked in with a mile high stack of not just last years invoices, but some 2007 paper work that someone forgot to pass along to me. Nice, now I get to spend the whole day tomorrow locked away in the hot file room going through boxes and catching up. I think I may just build a fort with my boxes and hide out the rest of the day.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
Birthdays All Around
Today kicks off a month of birthdays. Four people in my immediete family have birthdays this month including me. Melody gets us started today. She is turning eighteen. Happy brithday Melody welcome to adulthood! Where did the time go? It's really strange to think that it has been seven years since I turned eighteen. My birthday comes next and then my mom's is two days later. My dad rounds it out with a birthday falling near the end of the month. We will have our fair share of cake and happy birthday tunage to carry us till July when my brother's birthday falls.
I've always found it a bit rough having a birthday that falls in January. I know all you Christmas babies are shaking your heads right now. I don't know what it's like to receive birthday presents wrapped in Santa Clause wrapping paper, but at least your birthdays fall when everyone is in a cheery,holiday mood. I get the beginning of the year when everyone is hitting reality with a resounding thud. Credit card bills start showing up from those holiday purchases, and most people are gloomy because now that Christmas is over they long for warm summer days. I don't necessarily mind that my family and I share such close birthdays, but it can be a bit hard on the pocketbook with so many dinners and presents. You want everyone's day to be extra special, but at the same time you have to be realistic. It must be tough being a septuplet.
Here's to a month full of birthdays. With our combined ages we could probably really light a cake on fire!!! Happy birthday family, sharing a January birthday is not always easy, but I love you just the same.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
A Few Pictures
Kaylie loved her hot chocolate
We had to mail a letter to Santa
Micah enjoyed the holidays by chillin
We checked out a really cool neighborhood where each street had a theme. Our favorite was the Peanuts theme
And what would Christmas be without a trip to the Galleria? Honestly, a lot cheaper on the wallet. Kaylie looks like she might be afraid of falling three stories.
Once again Micah is more interested in his feet than shopping.
Mommy and Micah celebrating our first Christmas together.
The family
Santa left a bicycle under the tree!!!!
Some of the cousins on Christmas day. It was the best we could do with three tired kids!
We had a fun and eventful holiday season. Now the decorations have been packed away till next year, but the memories will remain. It is definitely like ripping a band-aid off. I never feel like packing it in, but the longer I wait the harder it will be.
Our New Years was quiet and uneventful, but that is not a bad thing. Next week its back to the old routine. May this week bring you a fresh and happy start to the new year.