In spite of a short weekend, we always try to make it a good one. I decided it was time for a picture blog. We decided once again to get season passes to NRH20. The kids love it, and it gives us somewhere to go when it is too hot to do anything else on the weekends. This was Micah's first chance to swim. He and Kaylie are having a blast!
Micah spends a lot of his weekend time playing and just being cute.
Kaylie has spent a lot of time practicing riding her bike. She actually did venture out of the garage and went on a three mile ride!
This weekend we attended a graduation lunch for my cousin Monica at one of my favorite places, Italliani's. I remembered to bring my camera to a function so here are some pictures.
aylie and I trying to look natural
The handsome boys in my life.
Mom and Melody
It was a good Saturday, and I even got to go shopping for some new shoes and an outfit! Thanks Chris for making me fit it into the budget. :)
The only thing that could have made it better is if dad was with us. He's still plugging away in Africa until July. We miss you!
I will try to keep my camera handy this summer. I know the pictures add a little life to the blog for those who get bogged down with all the words. You may have noticed I have added advertisements to the blog. It has become an opportunity to make a little extra debt snowball money so if you have a moment check one out and help a girl out. No pressure :)
Have a great weekend everyone. It may be short, but make it a good one!